
Avtalegiro OCRGiro Table Results Codes

Hint Ref: 021603090008
Hint Date: 09/03/2016

Hint Details:

Avtalegiro (Avtelagiro) Information - All imported Avtalegiro records are stored in the OCRGiro table prior to processing. The following details the meanings of the field OCRGiro.Result


*Payment Transactions*


-OCRGio Table Result Codes

1- Payment Record Valid 
    => Processed OK

2- Duplicate KID (OCRGiro Record exists with Completed=1 and neither RecordType=70 nor TransType=94) 
    => Not Processed

3- Invalid KID
    => Not Processed

*Requests to Enable/Disable Contract Payments via Avtalegiro*

RecordType=70 and TransType=94
  =>Notification of a customer who wishes to start or stop payments via Avtelagiro

-OCRGiro Table Result Codes

2- Duplicate KID (OCRGiro Record exists with completed=1 and RecordType=70 and TransType=94 and same RegistrationType)
    => Not Processed

3- Invalid Kid
    => Not processed

8- RegistrationType=1 (enable contract payments via AvtelaGiro - set contract.paymentmethod=C5) Request Record valid.
    => Processed OK

9- RegistrationType=2 (disable contract payments via AvtelaGiro - set contract.paymentmethod=C4) Request Record valid.
    => Processed OK

10 - Valid record, but Unknown RegistrationType
    => Not processed