Base de Conocimientos Técnicos

Starting Database service with no log file

Hint Ref: 020610120003
Hint Date: 12/10/2006

Hint Details:

If a database log file is missing or is set to run from a drive or directory which is not the same one as the database directory, the best method to get the database running is to set the database to use a log file in the database directory.


To do this, use the Utilities in Sybase Central to change the log file details to the new log file path and name.

NOTE: never try to change the log file settings so that the database does not have a log file, you wont get it to work!

Having changed the log file settings, the database service still will not start, until it is forced to do a recovery.

1). make sure that the directory given as the new log file directory DOES not already contain a log file.

2). Start the DBSRV8.EXE service from the command line with a -f parameter:

c:\program files\sybase\SQL Anywhere 8\win32\dbsrv8 -f "<path>/database name.db"

3). the database service will start, do a recovery and exit. If it does not exit, shut the service down.

The database is now ready to be started in the normal way.

(Please Note: This Procedure can be destructive and should only be used by Advanced Users.  RADical Systems (UK) Limited or its Partners cannot be held responsible, in anyway, for any consequence of using this or any other Database Function, Procedure or SQL command.  Responsibility resided solely with the user.  

However, it is highly recommended that a full and valid Space Manager database backup is taken and verified before making any changes to the database.)