How to Unload and Reload a Space Manager Database
Hint Ref: 020802060011
Hint Date: 06/02/2008
Hint Details:
1. Run Sybase Central and connect to the Database.
select 'tools'
select 'connect'
enter the username and password
select the appropriate database ODBC.
2. Create a directory off the root called 'unloadeddbs'
3. Right click on the grey cylinder (expand the tree on the left if you do not see it) and select 'Unload Database'
Note: if possible, unload to a different hard disk to the one the original database resides.
4. Click 'next' until asked where to save the reload SQL commands
enter: <drive>\unloadeddbs\reload.sql
5. select 'Unload structure and data'
6. Click next until asked where to save the data files
enter: <drive>\unloadeddbs\unload
7. Create the directory if asked.
8. Click finish (do NOT create and reload at this stage)
9. Once unloaded, disconnect from the original database (right click on the grey cylinder) and once done select 'Utilities' from the tree and 'Create Database'
10. Click next until asked where to save the main database file
11. In Explorer, create a directory on the original hard disk (if possible) called 'reloadeddbs'
12. in Sybase Central, enter: <drive>\reloadeddbs\spaceman.db
13. Click next until ask for the page size.
You MUST select '4096 Bytes'
14. Click next until given the option to connect to the new database. Put a tick in 'Connect to the new database' - leave the defaults.
15. Once completed, click the close button and then expand the tree in the left window of Sybase Central
16. Right click on the grey cylinder 'Spaceman - DBA' and select 'Open Interactive SQL'
17. Click 'File' and 'Open' and browse to: <drive>\unloadeddbs\reload.sql
18. Click the 'Play button' to execute.
19. Once complete, close all the windows. The files
are your new re-loaded Sybase 8 database.